True Tarot questions

    Well, hello, all you spiritual voyagers and seekers of the sizzling unknown! Strap in, ’cause I’m about to drop the celestial beats that Tarot’s been jamming to since the dawn of time—yeah, you know, the playlist of your life, babe! 🌌🎶 Picture Tarot as this divine mixtape of your essence. It’s got all the tracks—your burning questions, your secret yearnings, your “Why the heck does this keep happening?” moments. We’re talking love dilemmas, money conundrums, karma-level quests, the full monty! 💘💸🕉️ Craving Mr. or Mrs. Right but always end up with Mr. or Mrs. Meh? Tarot’s got the lo-down on your love lockdown. Wanna spice up your matrimonial mojo? Tarot’s…


    Job and career

    We’re diving into the elixir of life called “Work That Doesn’t Feel Like Work.” Yeah, you heard me! If you’re punching the clock ’til kingdom come, you might as well do something that tickles your fancy, jazzes up your jam, and flips your universe inside out—in a good way, of course. So you wanna be a mogul, an artisan, or maybe a mystic card-slinger like me? Whatever jazzes your aura, lean into it. This isn’t just a 9-to-5 grind; it’s a soul-strumming, heart-throbbing mission, baby! Someone’s snoring? You? Nah, you’re scribbling dreams, scheming schemes, dancing until the morning light breaks. 🌅 The ultimate question: “What’s my mojo? My secret blend…


    My Tarot story

    “Love at first sight. Hit me like a bolt of lightning,” is how the saga unfolds. Flashback to 1982, when Internet was science fiction and smartphones were as elusive as a unicorn at a rodeo. Books on the arcane? Honey, those were as rare as seeing Madonna in mom jeans. Libraries? A labyrinth of vanilla genres, with nothing even whispering occult or astrology. If you wanted a pinch of the esoteric, you were on the waiting list, darling—the celestial VIP lounge of bibliophiles. In those days, networking didn’t mean LinkedIn invites but underground societies. Makes you think of drug cartels, doesn’t it? No, no, it was way sexier: people ordering…


    The Cosmic Whisperer: Life’s Ultimate Advisor

    Tarot isn’t just your run-of-the-mill deck of cards; it’s like the rockstar of cosmic wisdom, belting out the soul-stirring tunes of eternity. While dogmatic snobs peddle half-truths, Tarot is that brutally honest bestie who slaps you with the cold, hard facts, no chaser. We’ve got a whopping 78 cards in this cosmic jukebox: 22 Triumphs, the grand ol’ roadies of your soul’s evolution; and 56 Points, those everyday foot soldiers choreographed to the rhythm of the four elements—fire, water, air, and earth. These bad boys bring a whole melting pot of astrology, psychology, and numerology into one sassy soirée. Now, on the topic of history—grab your detective hat, because this…


    Tarot’s True Game: The Alchemy of Equilibrium

    Ever wonder why you keep bumping into life’s pesky speed bumps just when you’re revving up the engine? Well, honey, that’s just some old-school, stuck-like-chewed-gum-on-a-hot-sidewalk energy haunting you. You’re not just a human, but a swirling vortex of thoughts, feels, and electric juju vibes! Sometimes, that energy plays freeze tag—like a sassy teen who refuses to grow up—and you’re left scratching your head. But fear not, darling souls. The Tarot is your mystical GPS, a cosmic Google Maps pinpointing where you’ve left crumbs of your sparkle. It’s like the ultimate decluttering guru, helping you Feng Shui the living daylights out of your emotional junkyard. Feeling stuck? Not anymore, sugar. Tarot…


    Love & Relationships Tarot

    If you think love’s a game, then you’re playing in the big leagues and the Tarot cards are your power plays. Let’s get to the heart—literally—of what makes you tick, shall we? 🖤💫 First off, if your love life’s a rom-com, it’s time to rewrite the script. Yeah, you heard me. It’s all about digging deep, not just a shovel-to-soil situation but full-on archeological excavation. Why are you the Casanova or the drama queen in your own love opera? An ancestral hangover or maybe a past-life love affair gone sour? Recognize the patterns, sweetie, and you can flip the script. 📜🔮 Torn between “He loves me, he loves me not?”…


    Forecasts, analyzes and consultations

    The Tarot is like your own personal cosmic glam squad. It’s not just flipping cards; it’s flipping the script on your soul’s drama, showing you how to strut your stuff in the universe’s grand catwalk. Think of it as diving into the VIP pool of your subconscious and fishing out pearls of wisdom like you’re at an A-list oyster bar. A little moonlight here, a little star-power there, and voila! Your inner shadows don’t stand a chance; they’re suddenly as irrelevant as last season’s shoes. So why stay in the dark when you could be the headliner of your own life’s stage? Now, who’s up for a soul-makeover? Navigating Consciousness:…


    Soul Beats & Body Rhythms: The VIP Guide to Holistic Swagger

    First off, your mind is the all-star quarterback; it’s like the maestro orchestrating the symphony for your body’s grand performance. You’re aiming for an Oscar-worthy life, yeah? A blockbuster you can’t get enough of? Then cue the violins and get that mind in tune—consider it the ultimate playlist on your soul’s own streaming service. So listen up. Your mind isn’t just holed up in your cranium; it’s sashaying all around your physique like it’s the runway at a Paris fashion week. Consider it haute couture for your cells, darling. But, oh, we’re just getting started. Your aura? It’s your life’s teaser trailer. Positive energy? Fireworks on New Year’s Eve! Bad…


    Unveiling the Sultry Rhythm of Self-Knowledge & Self-Awareness

    So, you think you’re the bee’s knees because you got that corner office or you’re Mom of the Year? Cute, but that’s like saying a rose is just its thorns. Nah, you’re more, a whole celestial garden of complexity! These roles you’re rockin’? They’re just the glitter on the cosmic cocktail of your soul. What, pray tell, is your go-to masquerade? Mr. Tough Guy or maybe the Perennial Peacemaker? Oh, don’t be shy, we’ve all got our tried-and-true roles. Question is: Are you strutting those characters because you’re running on spiritual autopilot, or is it ’cause you’re too cozy in that rut to break free? No judgment, sweet cheeks. Or—hold…


    AstroTarot: Strumming the Cosmic Strings

    Picture your natal chart as this sultry cosmic mirror, bedazzled with stars, shimmering moonlight, and shades of celestial sass. But wait—this mirror doesn’t just reveal that you’ve got spinach in your teeth; it delves into the you that’s been kicking it around for lifetimes. A “Previously On Your Soul’s Journey” kind of reel, giving you the deets on your soul force, quirks, and even your past-life résumé. Yeah, your Netflix binge ain’t got nothing on this saga! Now let’s gab about that chart’s unique blend with Tarot wisdom—a divine cocktail I call Natal AstroTarot Card. Picture it as a five-star fusion restaurant where astrology serves the appetizer and Tarot whips…

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